this girl can

Learning something new and challenging make you feel great…Do it…

Over the last ten months I have been learning to foil on a range of craft. It has been a humbling yet extremely rewarding experience which has made me think about the whole learning experience and what a positive effect it can have on you mentally and physically. Being a...


This Girl Can… ‘If in doubt, paddle out.’ I wake up unusually early on a Saturday morning but the fact that the sun is shining and I’m going to be Stand-Up-Paddle boarding over the glistening water offers a lot of reassurance. Although, considering my poor balance and co-ordination skills, I prepare...

Race Yachts

This Girl Can…Skipper a Yacht in the Fastnet Race  Anna Strang works for Lagoon Watersports from the Brighton Marina centre as a senior sailing and yacht instructor. She is one of a handful of women skippering yachts in the 2015 Fastnet race. We recently caught up with Anna Strang and asked her...


Ella real life This Girl Can…Learn to Wakeboard story I enter the Lagoon on a warm summer’s evening, taking in the energetic nature in the water as beginners and professionals alike share an adrenaline rush on the wakeboarding cable. For a brief moment my teenager alarm rings as I question...

This Girl Can at Lagoon Watersports

“Eww Water!” – I hear you scream. “What about my hair?” – I hear you fear. It's the 21st century, lets wipe away these potentially thought hindrances and have an open mind when it comes to exploring watersports.