Brighton and Hove Autumn SUP Race Series Harvey Dawkins2018-02-09T11:51:25+00:00 It has began… The first event in the Brighton and Hove Autumn SUP Race Series started on Sunday the 13th October. Despite the uninspiring grey drizzly Sunday morning, we had a good turn out for the race. Conditions were not particularly ideal, as there was a fairly strong westerly wind which made some sizable chop. The course was set out as a triangle, sausage, triangle roughly totaling 3k. There was a short cross wind leg and then the longest leg was coming downwind with the swell. We had two classes compete, 14’ & round nose boards. A really exciting race panned out, with all spectators being entertained by the challenging conditions. First to break away from the pack was Mark Saul, followed closely behind by James Stuart both on 14’ heading cross wind to the first pin which was then a battle into 10-15 knots head wind. Turning the boards into the breeze proved difficult as the wind was pushing the competitors away from the course. Shortly succeeded was the leader of the round nose fleet race Dan Showum, with Stewart Nicholson hot on his heals. The wind was picking up, with most finding the upwind legs challenging to say the least. Heading back downwind looked great and rewarding after the upwind onslaught, it was also the place on the course where positions where gained or lost. It all depended on catching the swell for the extra pace. With the 3 legs completed the competition heated up, James was clinging onto the lead whilst Mark was following closely behind, fighting for first place right up and until the nail bitting end. Dan was fast round the course and had a healthy lead right into the finish. Stewart challenged some of the 14’ racers and charged back into the finish riding set of the day. Claiming as respectable 2nd place. All in all the first race was a success, and everyone especially enjoyed the downwinding. If you missed out this race, then it’s not too late to join in as you get two discards for the series. Races are every Sunday 1000 start. Check out our website or call 01273 424842 ext 2 to book. Results and Points 14’ 1st – James Stuart (1 point) 2nd – Mark Saul (2 points) 3rd – Scott Topham (3 points) 4th – Vinnie Freeman (4 points) 5th – Jon Maylon (5 points) Round Nose 1st – Dan Showkum (1 point) 2nd – Stewart Nicholson (2 points) 3rd – James Chambers (3 points) 4th – Mark Matthews (4 points) 5th – Stephen Anderson (5 points) Share this post Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google + Email Author Harvey Dawkins