Lagoon Watersports Wakeboard Rail Jam – June 27th Harvey Dawkins2018-02-09T11:51:22+00:00 Lagoon Watersports Wakeboard June 27th Rail Jam Another fine day for a Wake Jam, 2:30 ticked round and riders began to show up in good numbers. A good turnout for the Juniors this month in both the open and rookies. A new and very excited winner took the top spot... Read more
Lagoon Watersports Rail Jam no.2 Harvey Dawkins2018-02-09T11:51:22+00:00First off, a massive thank you to everyone who entered or came to watch the competition on Saturday you all made it a great day ! Again we were super lucky with the weather holding off after wrestling with the sliders the night before to get them in a rideable... Read more
Lagoon Summer Wake Jam Harvey Dawkins2018-02-09T11:51:26+00:00Lagoon Summer Jam Saturday 24th August saw the Lagoon Summer Jam take place on a beautiful Saturday afternoon...... wait that's right, it was chucking it down with rain and the wind even picked up into the afternoon. So not the ideal conditions for a wakeboard comp but that didn't dampen... Read more
Lagoon Wake Park 2013 Harvey Dawkins2018-02-09T11:51:27+00:00The 2013 season is looking to be the best year yet for Lagoon Wake Park. New obstacles, top instructors, competitions and pro coaching from top riders, there are plenty of reasons to get yourself down to the wake park located, near Brighton on the South coast. Opening on the 6th of... Read more