Lagoon Watersports Rail Jam July 25th Harvey Dawkins2018-02-09T11:51:22+00:00 Lagoon Watersports Rail Jam July 25th Round 4 of the Lagoon rail jam was eventful to say the least. Practise started and soon came to a halt after the Step up rail decided to go for a walk across the park, back in place we continued the warm up runs... Read more
Lagoon Watersports Rail Jam no.2 Harvey Dawkins2018-02-09T11:51:22+00:00First off, a massive thank you to everyone who entered or came to watch the competition on Saturday you all made it a great day ! Again we were super lucky with the weather holding off after wrestling with the sliders the night before to get them in a rideable... Read more
What’s new in 2015? Harvey Dawkins2018-02-09T11:51:23+00:00Over the winter we’ve been working hard behind the scenes ready for the 2015 season to ensure everyone’s experience at Hove Lagoon is better than ever before! So here’s a rundown of some of the new things going on... New Kit – we all love new kit so here’s what’s new... Read more
Grass Roots Wakeboard Contest Round 12 at Lagoon Wake Park Harvey Dawkins2018-02-09T11:51:26+00:00Thanks to ION , BWSW , and the Grass Roots Tour Grass Roots Tour stop 12 at Lagoon Wakepark (Photos at end of article ) Well, the lagoon was definitely a sight for a Wakeboarders sore Sunday eyes last weekend with not a breath of wind in earshot! Just a week previous to this the wind was gusting... Read more
Grass Roots Wakeboarding Tour at Hove Lagoon Harvey Dawkins2018-02-09T11:51:27+00:00The Grass Roots Wakeboard tour hit Lagoon Wake Park on Saturday 20th October. The competition was aimed at anyone from a first timer to seasoned pro. Something for everyone with the day being focused on fun, progressing competitors riding and developing a community spirit at each wake park. There was... Read more
Wakeboarding – Brighton Box Jam Harvey Dawkins2018-02-09T11:51:28+00:00The 26th July was Lagoon Wake Park’s first competition of the season – THE BRIGHTON BOX JAM featuring Matt Crowhurst. Held during their weekly club night, at Hove lagoon, there was an awesome turn out of riders ready to bust out their tricks on the box. Condition were near perfect, super... Read more