Lagoon Watersports Wakeboard Rail Jam – June 27th Harvey Dawkins2018-02-09T11:51:22+00:00 Lagoon Watersports Wakeboard June 27th Rail Jam Another fine day for a Wake Jam, 2:30 ticked round and riders began to show up in good numbers. A good turnout for the Juniors this month in both the open and rookies. A new and very excited winner took the top spot in the junior rookies this month, Oliver Gould deservedly winning over Fred & Hugh Roberts who both rode really well and kept the brotherly feud going throughout. Tai Tewksbury stepped up to the junior open this month after improving well recently, however young Joe Taylor stood in his way as he entered his first competition with a great and confident run. Great to see these two pushing themselves and giving the men’s heats something to worry about. Toby Rice also jumping straight into his first competition run with a couple of nice hits on the flatbox. The ladies open was as competitive as ever with this month’s rail setup putting a few people on edge about their runs. Everyone rode well and really put some variety into their runs. Anne-Lise took the win with a big FS 360 of the incline which put a big smile on her face when she landed aswell as a couple of tidy stailfish grabs and clean hits on the rooftop. Sian, Yvette and Kate all followed closely behind with a nice mixture of rail hits keeping the scores pretty close between them. Video and images by Dan Yates of Cloudbreak Creative Each month the mens rookie division has grown in numbers and always been exciting to watch. For the second time round we had another brave face entering and going for his first slider hit ever! Glen Townsend having only learnt to wakeboard a few weeks before hand jumped off the dock and went straight for the flat box. With a few wobbley attempts and some great crashes he finally made the length of the rail and rode away. He then upped himself and thrilled the crowd by throwing himself off the wedge again taking a few tries to stick the landing. The prize for best bail was easily awarded to Glen for his efforts. Matt Mepham claimed the win this month with a great run and riding as smooth as ever. And finally the mens open, with Nick Bowden sadly out with a broken collar bone the fight for 1st place was wide open. The guys put on a great show with some really nice riding, highlights were a nice big Method grab of the incline which seems to be Sam Manns go to trick and some tech moves on the rooftop and flatbox from newcomer Adam Hoskins. Young Sam York smashed his run to take 1st place with multiple spins of the incline and on the box and a selection of tidy presses to round things off, Sam was followed by Sam Mann and Luke Mepham. Junior rookie Oliver Gould 1st Hugh Roberts 2nd fred Roberts 3rd Junior open Joe taylor 1st Tai Tewksbury 2nd toby rice 3rd ladies open Anne-lise 1st Sian Carr 2nd Yvette Wagner 3rd Kate Murray 4th Mens rookie Matt Mepham 1st rich Carr 2nd glen townsend 3rd tom landers 4th Mens open Sam york 1st Sam mann 2nd Luke Mepham 3rd Adam Hoskins 4th Dan Yates 4th Pete Stubberfield 5th Rob Wagner 6th Kyle Greenwood 7th Thanks too : S2AS ION Video and images by Dan Yates of Cloudbreak Creative BWSW Big thanks to Charlie for keeping us entertained on the mic. Alex Mason for running the event and write up As always a massive thank you to everyone who turned up and entered. Next contest is July 25th…hope to see you there See you on the water… Share this post Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google + Email Author Harvey Dawkins