Gift Vouchers

How long are Lagoon Gift Voucher valid for ?

2 years from the date of purchase.

How does the online vouchers work ?

Once you login or create an account you can choose : Image to go on the voucher Name for the voucher Who to email the voucher to. You can choose to have the voucher emailed to yourself or someone else. Choose date and time you would like the voucher...

How do I redeem my voucher ?

The voucher is sent to that email address you choose at the time of purchasing. There is a link to click in the voucher. On clicking the link you are taken to our reservations system to login or create an account. At that point a credit is created on...

Can vouchers be posted to me ?

Yes - please call our to arrange on 01273 42 48 42 option 2. Please note that you do not need a physical voucher. You can create your own  but we are happy to post you one. We log your voucher on our system and it can be redeemed using...

I have not received my voucher

We are really sorry. Something looks like it has gone wrong. Please check your junk mail, if the voucher is not there then please email us or call us on 01273 42 48 42 option 2 and we can resend it.

Can Gift Vouchers be bought over the phone or in person ?

Yes - call 01273 42 48 82 option 2 or visit us. Please note in the winter the physical office may be closed and we advise calling first to check. Some special offers may apply to online purchases only.