What is Happening This Week Harvey Dawkins2018-02-09T11:51:21+00:00 Remember we have safety cover all weekend for anybody wanting to try out the new kit and we are here during the week 9 – 5 for all those with unsupervised hire (ask in the office for details about being signed off for unsupervised hire) There are still spaces on ride sessions over the weekend and more may be added so keep checking this page so that you don’t miss out. Also, weekday ride sessions are kicking off on the 13th April. Got a couple of new faces in the cafe so why not come and say hello, and we are getting a Southover Foods delivery today so there will be plenty of sweet and savoury snacks to sample Windsurf Sea Clinic is at 1030 on Sunday morning, make sure you book on so that we know who is coming and can structure the session appropriately. There are some school groups in next week during the day. If you want to miss the crowds give the centre a quick call before heading down to check when they are in. Share this post Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google + Email Author Harvey Dawkins