Discount for more than one child? Tracy Hart2018-02-23T08:34:38+00:00If you are booking more than one child on to one of the courses or activity weeks you will receive a 10% discount for the second and any further children. This is also applicable when the early booking discount is running! If you are unable to get the discount... Read more
Inherent risks Tracy Hart2018-02-17T09:33:59+00:00We have taken all reasonable steps to provide your child with the level of care and assurances of safety appropriate to the activities they will undertake. However, you should be aware that certain inherent risks remain which are integral to the activity and which cannot be eliminated without destroying... Read more
Parent briefings Tracy Hart2018-02-18T11:13:35+00:00The kids courses which run during the school holidays start with a short parent briefing. Please take the time to attend this briefing as it will explain how the course works and other information we feel you should know. Read more
Lost property : Harvey Dawkins2018-02-05T16:51:06+00:00We get a lot of lost property and it can be very difficult to identify items, particularly when wet. Please encourage your children to take everything home at the end of their session. Please name your children’s clothing If you leave something behind contact us as soon as possible, ideally... Read more
Do you take photos of kids activities Harvey Dawkins2018-02-05T16:47:45+00:00We frequently take photos and videos of activity sessions involving both adults and under 16’s. These may be used in our brochures, social media and other promotional material. If you do not want photos taken of your child please let us know. Read more
How do I know my child is in a safe environment? Tracy Hart2018-02-17T09:29:15+00:00We take the safety of all our customers very seriously and in particular children. All the staff are DBS checked, they are all qualified by the NGB of their sport so this will be the RYA, BWSW and BSUPA. Many of them are qualified with all of the above.... Read more
My daughter is a fussy eater, I am not sure what to do about lunch. Tracy Hart2018-02-04T09:00:41+00:00We offer the option to include lunch so that parents and carers know that that is one less thing to worry about when leaving the house in the morning. You are welcome to send them with a packed lunch and then you know they have something they like. Alternatively... Read more
My child is smaller than the average 8 year old, will they still be able to do everything? Tracy Hart2018-02-04T08:55:22+00:00Although the age range for this week is 8-12 years of age we do teach all the activities to younger children on other courses. We have very small wetsuits, the smallest sails for windsurfing are tiny and if they are too small for wake boarding they will still join... Read more
Will my child be in the same group as his friend? Tracy Hart2018-02-03T15:13:53+00:00If children come with a friend they are welcome to spend the week together. We encourage everyone to make friends so that those who come on their own are able to make friends quickly. Many new friendships have been formed on activity weeks and the children have continued on... Read more
Will my child receive a qualification at the end of the Kids Activity Week? Tracy Hart2018-02-03T15:07:12+00:00They will be taught the basics of all the sports that they try but as they are trying so many activities they will not get to a level where they can be signed off in any particular one. If your child gets to the end of the week and... Read more
Are the staff qualified to be working with my child? Tracy Hart2018-02-03T15:00:03+00:00All the staff are qualified by their governing body whether it be the RYA, BWSW or BSUPA and in most cases they have qualifications from all of the above. They all have current first aid certificates and are all DBS checked. The centre itself is also inspected annually to... Read more
What happens if the weather is not good? Tracy Hart2018-02-03T14:56:40+00:00Although we have a plan for the week we do vary it where necessary to account for the weather. We will keep them entertained and having fun whatever the weather but will obviously keep in mind their safety. Read more
What does my child need to bring? Tracy Hart2018-02-03T14:54:32+00:00They will need to bring with them swimwear, a towel, something warm to put on as they can get a little chilly after a long period in the water even if it is a hot day. Jacket if it looks as though it may rain as we still keep... Read more
Changing Bookings Harvey Dawkins2022-04-30T11:32:52+01:00 Please click here for our full booking terms and conditions and ensure that you understand our cancellation policy. Alterations to Bookings Customers are able to rearrange course dates up to two times with no charge when Lagoon Watersports is given : 48 hours notice for courses under £75 per person 7 days notice... Read more
Do the children need their own wetsuits and other equipment? Tracy Hart2022-03-11T13:33:06+00:00 No, all they need to bring on the day is their swimwear and towel. We will provide everything else for them but if they have their own they are very welcome to bring them. Please make sure if they do bring their own that it is labelled. Read more