Yacht Sailing Harvey Dawkins2019-05-11T11:26:56+01:00 There is nothing quite as serene as jumping aboard a yacht and sailing into the unknown. The excitement and thrill of exploration, the adrenaline from tackling the sea, and the sense of fulfilment once you reach your destination. Sailing is a sport that is known for its endless enjoyment, like the ever changing wind and sea the states of your sailing experience manipulate to coincide, in which creates an incredible practice of variability. The diversity and complexity of sailing means that there is never a dull moment when aboard, a leisure activity that truly challenges both body and mind. The beauty of sailing is that it can be a shared experience. Sharing these picturesque moments of searching the open seas builds not only your individual practical skill assets but also the relationships among your companions through teamwork and efficiency. Whether you sail the water as a member of a crew of loved ones, family or friends, or simply want to enjoy the peaceful surroundings alone – sailing allows for freedom. Freedom to explore, freedom to seek the new and unknown, and the freedom to learn a bunch of new skills is accumulated from simply zipping on a life jacket, putting on the sunscreen, and hiring a boat. We understand more than anyone how intense working life can be, escaping for a moment of peace after a long slog of a 9-5 (with over time), Monday-Friday (if you’re lucky), to bring back a little bit of sanity into your busy career fuelled life. Everyone needs a bit of TLC and ‘me-time’, and what better way is there to escape any worries of your day to day living than to hoist sail and drift off into a deep blue bay. Does this sound inviting to you? – It sure does to me. So, whether you are a solo sailor or one of a crew, grab your life jacket and hop aboard for an experience that will leave you falling in love with sail and sea. See you on the Water… Time to go sailing… Share this post Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google + Email Author Harvey Dawkins