Bart’s Bash Harvey Dawkins2018-02-09T11:51:22+00:00 Bart’s Bash Bart’s Bash is the World’s largest sailing event that is run by sailing clubs all around the world on behalf of The Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation. “Last year we came together in Andy’s name to do an incredible thing. Over 30,000 people took to the water to race alongside each other in thousands of different types of boats. You took part in every corner of the world and we raised a significant amount of money to enable the Andrew Simpson Sailing Foundation to really launch its global ambitions and transform the lives of young people through sailing. In doing we also broke a world record. This year being hosted by Brighton Marina Yacht Club, we will be racing against all sizes of boats from the catamarans on the beach to larger yachts from local ports.” ANY EXPERIENCE WELCOME. All boats will have a race skipper. The Saturday is aimed at ensuring anyone from any sailing background will get used to their role on the boat. It is a great opportunity for experienced sailors to gain some race coaching and also for novices to gain experience on different boats and experience the excitement of racing. Our Programme: Sat 19th Oct: 0900 – Team meet, safety briefs 1000 – Rigging spinnakers and theory of spinnaker sailing 1100 – Orientation sail and spinnaker hoist/drop 1300 – Spinnaker Gybes and lay line tactics 1430 – Start line and ‘trigger pulls’ 1500 – Practice race 1600 – Finish Price: Members 125 Credits / Non members £100 Sun 20th Oct: 0800 – Breakfast meet @ BMYC (yes, fry up!) 0830 Skippers’ Brief 0900 – Slip lines RACING BART’S BASH REGATTA! 1400 – After party / prize giving @ BMYC Price: Members 25 Credits /Non members £20 Share this post Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google + Email Author Harvey Dawkins