Tag - fanatic windsurfing

What’s new in 2015?

Over the winter we’ve been working hard behind the scenes ready for the 2015 season to ensure everyone’s experience at Hove Lagoon is better than ever before! So here’s a rundown of some of the new things going on...   New Kit – we all love new kit so here’s what’s new...

Why Windsurf in Brighton?

Windsurfing is pretty addictive, checking the forecast every 5 minutes, loading up the latest videos, keeping up to date with the news and goings on – it can take up a lot of your time - in a good way! So why do people get into windsurfing? do they like...

Windsurfing at Hove Lagoon, Brighton

Hove Lagoon is an awesome place to windsurf. An idea location for every level of windsurfer, there is a suitable spot for everyone. If you’re a beginner there is the Lagoon, which is an enclosed shallow area of water that is idea for learning to windsurf and practice your new...

Windsurf club gets new Equipment

Great news - we have just had a delivery of lots of great new windsurfing kit suitable for all abilities. Whether beginner or expert we have some of the best equipment in the country to get you out on the water windsurfing what ever the wind. Why is good equipment...