Tag - windsurf competitions

Stunt off in the Storm

Back in June Lagoon Watersports announced that they were going to be holding a windsurf stunt off and it would be happening on the next windy day,  as winds would need to be in excess of 25 knts so that the windsurfers would have enough wind to get the...

Wild Windsurf Weekender

October 5th and 6th saw our second Wild Windsurf Weekender of the season, unfortunately the wind wasn’t very wild but loads of fun was had! On the Saturday Nik Baker was down showing off the Fanatic and North 2014 gear. Lots of members had a go on the shiny new kit,...


For the forthcoming season we are lining up some pretty exciting events for everyone to get involved with. Planned events include Wake Jams, Windsurf Weekends and SUP Races – guaranteed to be SUPER fun days out for all! Our events will be suitable for everyone, no matter what your age or...