Stunt off in the Storm Harvey Dawkins2018-02-09T11:51:23+00:00 Back in June Lagoon Watersports announced that they were going to be holding a windsurf stunt off and it would be happening on the next windy day, as winds would need to be in excess of 25 knts so that the windsurfers would have enough wind to get the biggest air possible. It just so happened that the next windy day was when ex hurricane Bertha hit the UK shores. Yesterday (Sunday 10th August) saw windsurfers and spectators alike descend on the lagoon as word got out about the competition. £100 cash prize money was on offer for the biggest and best stunt. The wind all morning did exactly what the forecast had said and excitement in the centre grew, especially as the strong wind swung round southerly and the sea built. At high tide the sea was massive with a huge shore break – everything was going to plan. The windsurfers were due to turn up for registration at 1500, rigged and ready to go for a prompt start at 1530. The wind had other ideas!! With everyone rigged and the briefing just about to start the wind dropped and swung NW – a couple of the guys that had got down early to have a practice before the comp were no longer planing and heading downwind fast – no wind, big sea and small kit not being the ideal combination. Having a quick check of about 10 weather forecasts and charts we decided to hold off the competition for another half hour as it looked like it was just a blip. 1600 came and the wind was back, competitors quickly rigged their kit and changed pretty rapidly and it was on!! Competitors from all along the south coast turned up, as well as local pro windsurfer Nik Baker who turned up to raise the level and push all the competitors harder and higher! Three heats were drawn up, each offering 15 minutes for competitors to get their best stunt in, the top 2 of each heat going through to the final. Each heat was judged by the other competitors, to ensure that judging was fair and everyone got a say. Huge airs, forward loops, backloops and pushloops were landed and it was an impressive sight for all the spectator’s – everyone had their eyes glued to the action. After the 3 heats, the final guys headed out – Nik Baker, Ant Baker, Jamie Howard, John Yeomans, Mike Wedge and Rune Saerensen. Jamie was busting out some nice stalled forwards, Ant & Rune landing some impressive high backloops and John and Mike landing some clean forwards. Special mention to John for his big crashes (one leading to a broken board). Nik was on form landing a no handed backloop, one handed backloop and some mega high pushloops – putting him in 1st place. Biggest and best Stunt – Nik Baker Biggest Air – Rune Saerensen Best Bail – John Yeomans Share this post Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google + Email Author Harvey Dawkins