September at the Lagoon Harvey Dawkins2018-02-09T11:51:23+00:00 September is fast approaching and it’s going to be a good one! We have a busy calendar of events, including competitions, coaching and movie nights! Get the dates in your diary and get ready for September! *NEW FOR SEPTEMBER* Movie Nights Movie Nights will be happening over 3 Thursday evenings in September, starting on the 4th with a Stand Up Paddleboard film to kick things off. Sean will be in the café with beers and bar snacks on offer as well as some popcorn to set the scene. All movies will start at 2000. 4th: Movie Night – Stand Up Paddleboarding, The First Glide Come and join us from 2000, we will be in the comfort for the café with bar snacks and popcorn on offer and enjoying the awesome Stand Up Paddleboard film ‘The First Glide’. 7th: Forward Loop Clinic Our awesome instructor John Yeomans will be taking a Forward Loop Clinic for those windsurfers that are looking to get airborne. Session starts at 1600. 11th: Back to School Disco Come and party at the ‘Back to School Disco’ from 2000. Enjoy a party buffet & a pint of snakebite for £8.00 14th: Kids Onboard Pirate Sailing Festival The RYA Onboard Sailing Festival is a fun morning of sailing with other children from the local area. This year it is Pirate themed, best dressed pirate wins a prize. If you are Level 2 or above, come and get involved in this fun event. ONLY £10.00 18th: Movie Night – Windsurfing, The Windsurf Movie Come and join us from 2000 in the café to watch the classic that is ‘The Windsurf Movie’ Bar snacks, beers and popcorn will be on offer. 25th: Movie Night – Wakeboarding, TBC From 2000 we will be in the cafe with snacks and popcorn to watch a wakeboard film to get you ready for the Grass Roots Comp. Film TBC. 28th: SUP Race The 3rd and final race of the summer. Come and put your race training into practice and compete in this fun yet competitive race. Race starts at 10am. 28th: Grass Roots Wake Comp The Grass Roots Comp will be hitting Lagoon wake Park on Sunday 28th September. The tour is aimed at anyone from a first timer to a seasoned pro, it is all about having fun, progressing your riding and developing a community spirit at the each wake park. Find out more about the comp here. Share this post Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google + Email Author Harvey Dawkins