Learn to Kite surf in Brighton BEKS & Lagoon Watersports Harvey Dawkins2018-02-09T11:51:22+00:00 Lagoon Watersports is pleased to announce that we have partnered up with local kite school BEKS Brighton. Kitesurfing is a great sport. Lagoon Watersports opened and closed one of the first kite schools in the country. We quickly learned Hove beach is not the ideal venue to learn and neither is the Lagoon. There are some great mobile schools in the area and we have partnered up with Chris at BEKSkitesurfing. Kitesurfing and wakeboarding work together really well. Wakeboarding helps you kite surf in the early stages as it really helps your board control. When the wind is not delivering for fix you can practice your moves on the cable ready for your next on water session. How the partnership works: All kite tuition on land and water is managed by BEKS kitesurfing Brighton. However, one of the key skills for kitesurfing is the deep water start and we at hove lagoon feel using our system 2 wake cable is an ideal way to practice this. So we are offering all BEKS customers the chance to get out on the cable hear at lagoon watersports for a discounted rate of £50 per student. How to Book: All kite surf lessons can be booked through BEKS on 07769535724. If you wanted to take the cable option simply call the Lagoon office or speak to chris at BEKS Brighton for more information. A 2 day course costs £190. You can find full details about options , FAQ’s and the instructors at the BEKSkitesurfing web site. Share this post Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google + Email Author Harvey Dawkins