Tag - wakeboarding brighton

Lagoon Watersports Rail Jam July 25th

Lagoon Watersports Rail Jam July 25th Round 4 of the Lagoon rail jam was eventful to say the least. Practise started and soon came to a halt after the Step up rail decided to go for a walk across the park, back in place we continued the warm up runs...

Grass Roots Tour – The Lagoon Stop

We couldn’t have asked for better weather! A summer’s day at the end of September provided us with great conditions for the last stop in the London/South region. Forty wakeboarders turned up from across the UK to take part in the competition, practice started at 1300 allowing everyone some time...

Summer Wake Jam 2014

Sunday 31st August was the day of our Summer Wake Jam, the weather couldn’t of been better, light winds and some added sunshine ensured a great turn out for the comp. We had managed to get the awesome Steph Caller down to offer some coaching, Nick Coates from Bro Clothing...

Lagoon Wake Park at JB Ski

A last minute trip to JB Ski managed to draw the attention of 5 of our local riders to enter the first stop of the London and South East Grass Roots Tour organised by Industry Wake Parks. A combination of nerves and excitement had us all pumped up, especially Sam...

Club Sessions 2014

What a amazing opening weekend and great start to the 2014 season! Starting very soon (the first in May) are our Club Sessions, and this year with a bit of difference. Windsurfing Windsurfer Improvers Clinic Our Windsurf Improvers Clinic is aimed at windsurfers that have completed the Start Windsurfing Course and are looking...

Lagoon Summer Wake Jam

Lagoon Summer Jam Saturday 24th August saw the Lagoon Summer Jam take place on a beautiful Saturday afternoon...... wait that's right, it was chucking it down with rain and the wind even picked up into the afternoon. So not the ideal conditions for a wakeboard comp but that didn't dampen...

Beginners Guide to Wakeboarding

Beginners Guide to Wakeboarding – All you need to know to get started Quick fix of adrenaline needed? Without spending hours learning a new board sport? Wakeboarding will certainly give you your fix and is relatively quick to learn! Unlike most other watersports, wakeboarding has a satisfyingly steep learning curve and...

Cable Wakeboarding, the perfect training tool for Kitesurfing

Dan Sweeney, UK Pro Kitesurfing Champion has been shredding at the Lagoon recently. Here he explains how riding at Lagoon Wake Park helps his Kitesurfing... I can always remember my first Cable session when I was a year into my Kitesurfing. The fact of riding on butter flat water in a...

Wakeboard Cable Number 3!

Lagoon Watersports are excited to confirm that they are installing their 3rd Wakeboard Cable this year with the financial help of the British Water Ski and Wakeboard (BWSW). Over the winter Lagoon Wake Park has been transformed to cater for all levels of rider. The new cable is dedicated for...

Lagoon Wake Park 2013

The 2013 season is looking to be the best year yet for Lagoon Wake Park. New obstacles, top instructors, competitions and pro coaching from top riders, there are plenty of reasons to get yourself down to the wake park located, near Brighton on the South coast. Opening on the 6th of...

The web learn to Wakeboard at Lagoon Wake Park, Brighton

Yesterday we headed to Brighton to treat our web team to a wakeboard taster session at Lagoon Watersports, Brighton. When we arrived the team was ready and waiting, eager to get started, but maybe a little anxious. The only member of the team that had previously tried wakeboarding was Daniel,...

Sportivate Girls Wakeboarding in Brighton

This season at Lagoon Wake Park we have been working at getting more ladies hooked on Wakeboarding. We were lucky enough to get a grant through sportivate which aimed to get more women into wakeboarding by offering them a great deal on a 6 week Learn to Wakeboard course, this...

Wakeboarding – Brighton Box Jam

The 26th July was Lagoon Wake Park’s first competition of the season – THE BRIGHTON BOX JAM featuring Matt Crowhurst. Held during their weekly club night, at Hove lagoon, there was an awesome turn out of riders ready to bust out their tricks on the box. Condition were near perfect, super...

Choose which cable to ride

Now we have had a chance to experiment with the new wakeboarding cable a bit we have decided, where possible to give riders the choice of which System 2.0 cable they want book onto. Cable One, the most westerly shorter one seems to be best for those that are just...

Sportivate Learn to Wakeboard for women and teenagers

Lagoon Wake Park has teamed up with the BWSW and  Sportivate to be able to offer Teenagers and Young women the chance to take an 8 week wake boarding course for just £40 The Sportivate Learn to Wakeboard for teenagers and women is the perfect way for young people to...