
Options to practice wakeboarding

There are a whole host of options for maximising your time on the water. Each one of these options has been introduced to cater for people in different situations. The simplest option for continuation is booking on to a Wakeboard Ride Session. This is an hour long session...

Lagoon Watersports Rail Jam July 25th

Lagoon Watersports Rail Jam July 25th Round 4 of the Lagoon rail jam was eventful to say the least. Practise started and soon came to a halt after the Step up rail decided to go for a walk across the park, back in place we continued the warm up runs...

Lagoon Watersports Wakeboard Rail Jam – June 27th

Lagoon Watersports Wakeboard June 27th Rail Jam Another fine day for a Wake Jam, 2:30 ticked round and riders began to show up in good numbers. A good turnout for the Juniors this month in both the open and rookies. A new and very excited winner took the top spot...

Lagoon Watersports Rail Jam no.2

First off, a massive thank you to everyone who entered or came to watch the competition on Saturday you all made it a great day ! Again we were super lucky with the weather holding off after wrestling with the sliders the night before to get them in a rideable...

Learn to Kite surf in Brighton BEKS & Lagoon Watersports

Lagoon Watersports is pleased to announce that we have partnered up with local kite school BEKS Brighton. Kitesurfing is a great sport. Lagoon Watersports opened and closed one of the first kite schools in the country. We quickly learned Hove beach is not the ideal venue to learn and neither is...

Rail Jam Recap – round 1

Saturday 25th April - Rail Jam No.1 Our first monthly rail jam was a great success, with a small but enthusiastic turnout. The practice laps kicked off at 1pm just as the weather brightened up and the riders warmed up to the new park layout before the competition started at...

Get on the water this summer…

Lagoon Beach club could be answer to get you and the family on the water having fun this summer Join us at the Lagoon and spend your summer at the UKs premier multisports Beach Club. Sheltered and shallow lagoon that is safe for any abilities. The only wake park in England with...

What’s new in 2015?

Over the winter we’ve been working hard behind the scenes ready for the 2015 season to ensure everyone’s experience at Hove Lagoon is better than ever before! So here’s a rundown of some of the new things going on...   New Kit – we all love new kit so here’s what’s new...

Winter Opening at Hove Lagoon

New for this winter we will be experimenting with some winter opening at Hove Lagoon. We plan to be open on Wednesday afternoons, and most weekends through the winter ( Closed over  Christmas) for tuition and hire. Wakeboarding - Tuition, private sessions and ride sessions Windsurfing - private 1:1 tuition on Hove...

Grass Roots Tour – The Lagoon Stop

We couldn’t have asked for better weather! A summer’s day at the end of September provided us with great conditions for the last stop in the London/South region. Forty wakeboarders turned up from across the UK to take part in the competition, practice started at 1300 allowing everyone some time...

Summer Wake Jam 2014

Sunday 31st August was the day of our Summer Wake Jam, the weather couldn’t of been better, light winds and some added sunshine ensured a great turn out for the comp. We had managed to get the awesome Steph Caller down to offer some coaching, Nick Coates from Bro Clothing...

Lagoon Wake Park at JB Ski

A last minute trip to JB Ski managed to draw the attention of 5 of our local riders to enter the first stop of the London and South East Grass Roots Tour organised by Industry Wake Parks. A combination of nerves and excitement had us all pumped up, especially Sam...

Club Sessions 2014

What a amazing opening weekend and great start to the 2014 season! Starting very soon (the first in May) are our Club Sessions, and this year with a bit of difference. Windsurfing Windsurfer Improvers Clinic Our Windsurf Improvers Clinic is aimed at windsurfers that have completed the Start Windsurfing Course and are looking...

Bigger discounts for Club members

At Lagoon Watersports one of the best things we see is people learning, progressing and developing a real love for watersports. Our club has been set up to teach, encourage and support those learning a new sport whilst keeping the cost accessible. We want more members to be able to...

Wakeboarding Membership…Understanding what you are get

At Lagoon Wake Park one of the best things we see is people learning, progressing and developing a real love for watersports. Our club has been set up to teach, encourage and support those learning a new sport whilst keeping the cost accessible.